A crisis is a terrible thing to waste.
Peter Peters returns as a ruthless politician in a full-length show that combines last year’s Fringe hit The Pundit with its thrilling sequel. “Deflates its target with a sharp satiric pin,” said The Washington Post of last year’s sold-out run.
Written by John Feffer
Directed by Doug Krehbel
Starring Sean Coe as the politician, with Michael Crowley, Morganne Davies*, Lisa Hodsoll, Ethan A. Kitts, Conor Scanlan, and Sarah Strasser.
*Member, Actors Equity Association
Capital Fringe Festival
Goethe Institut Main Stage
812 7th St. NW
Washington, DC
7/12 @ 6 pm
7/14 @ 5:30 pm
7/20 @ 6 pm
7/24 @ 5:45 pm
7/28 @ 12 pm
Five stars and Best of Fringe from DC Metro Theater Arts
DC Broadway World calls The Politician a brilliant mix of theater and politics. “Go, just go….”
Hill Rag calls The Politician “another highly satisfying satire that condemns the Beltway life while resting snugly inside of it” with “a fantastic ensemble cast, whose members change roles more often than people in Washington change opinion.”
Women Around Town says “The Politician shows us what happens when the cameras stop rolling. You’ll never watch a talking head again without thinking of this play. If you missed last year’s The Pundit, don’t miss The Politician.”
Washington Speaks: The Politician “scores a big win.”
This production is presented as a part of the 2013 Capital Fringe Festival, a program of the Washington, DC non-profit Capital Fringe
New York: NYTheater.com
Five stars and Pick of the Fringe from DC Theatre Scene!
5 stars from DC Metro Theater Arts!
“Deflates its target with a sharp satiric pin,” said The Washington Post.
Washingtonian recommended us
And so did the Pink Line Project
Playing the Pundit in Huffington Post
Article in Broadway World
Background article in the Washingtonian
Video interview at Politico with me and Doug Krehbel, the director
Washington Post: Sneak preview of five shows, including The Pundit
First Look at The Pundit in DC Theatre Scene
Preview in DC Metro Theatre Arts
- Behind The Bird: DCTheatreScene.com (June 22, 2011)
- Washingtonian (July 2010): First Person: Waiting for the Curtain
- Original, full-length Washingtonian article on 2009 Fringe
- The New York Times: My Backlogged Pages
- Washington Post: Excerpt from Edible Rex
- Washington Post: Jeju Island, Paradise with a Dark Side
John Feffer is currently an Open Society Foundation Fellow, retracing his steps in Eastern Europe from 23 years ago. He is the author of several books, including the novel Foamers (Scribner, 1997). He works at the Institute for Policy Studies in Washington, DC, where he co-directs the Foreign Policy In Focus project. You can find more about his books, his articles, and his biography elsewhere on this website.
The Bird
- DC Theatre Scene calls The Bird “a treasure,” gives it 5 out of 5, and designates it “pick of the Fringe.”
- DCist says that “Feffer is magnetic, a born storyteller.”
- The Washington City Paper calls The Bird “a captivating personal story.”
- See a short video excerpt on Youtube.
Edible Rex
- DC Theatre Scene gives Edible Rex its top mark
- Washington City Paper: “Edible Rex is by far my favorite.”
- See video excerpt: Youtube video
Krapp’s Last Power Point
- Pick of the Fringe 2009 (DC Theatre Scene)
- Read review of KLPP: DC Theatre Scene review
- See video excerpt: Youtube video